Eurojust launches new scheme for urgent JIT funding

15 April 2021|NEWS

New urgent funding option for JITsTo further step up the fight against serious organised cross-border crime, Eurojust is announcing the launch of a new scheme for the urgent funding of the cross-border operational activities of joint investigation teams (JITs). This offers targeted, short-term grants for JITs’ urgent and/or unforeseen activities.

Eurojust already provides financial and logistical support to JITs through the regular funding cycle of eight calls for proposals, which are published throughout each financial year. JITs may apply for funding within the set deadlines of one of the eight calls for proposals.

The new funding scheme – Funding without Call for Proposals – aims to provide targeted short-term grants to urgent and/or unforeseen activities of JITs that are operational and require financing outside the calls for proposals. Applications under this funding scheme may be submitted anytime during the year.

Funding without Call for Proposals addresses an identified need for increased flexibility towards potential urgent and/or unforeseen operational activities arising in cross-border investigations.

A JIT is one of the most advanced tools used in international cooperation in criminal matters. Providing financial support to JITs is a key part of the Eurojust mission.

For more information about Funding without Call for Proposals, including the Invitation and Application Form, please visit the JIT Funding section of the Eurojust website.