Eurojust at the Hungarian Prosecution Service’s Day

13 June 2018|NEWS

On the occasion of the Hungarian Prosecution Service's Day on 12 June, the President of Eurojust, Ladislav Hamran, accompanied by the National Member for Hungary at Eurojust, László Venczl, met with the Prosecutor General of Hungary, Péter Polt, and high-level representatives of the Hungarian government and judiciary at the Palace of Justice in Budapest. During the ceremony, Mr Polt honoured Mr Hamran with a Pro Cooperatione commemorative medal for his significant contribution to judicial cooperation across borders. Numerous prosecutors and employees were also awarded for their professional work and dedication.

The ceremony commemorated the establishment of the National Prosecution Service of Hungary in 1871 and paid tribute to its officials and their remarkable achievements thus far in fighting national and transnational criminality. Eurojust emphasized the need for cross-border cooperation of the national judicial authorities in a world where security threats are increasingly global and the frontiers between physical and digital reality, as well as between criminal groups, progressively disappear. Eurojust's fight against international organised crime was illustrated based on real examples from Eurojust cases.

Eurojust's reliable judicial cooperation tools, such as coordination meetings, coordination centres and joint investigation teams, help accelerate and enhance investigations and prosecutions at national level with a cross-border dimension, and assist in determining the most effective prosecution strategy for each case, including by preventing conflicts of jurisdiction. Additional legal instruments in this regard are requests for mutual legal assistance, European Investigation Orders (EIOs) and European Arrest Warrants (EAWs).

The President of Eurojust expressed his gratitude towards Hungary. The Hungarian Desk at Eurojust is at the forefront of judicial cooperation, especially regarding its obligation to report on national investigations to Eurojust to detect links with other cases and thus identify patterns of criminal behaviour: Hungary's commitment to exchanging information on serious organised crime is exemplary among the European Union (EU) Member States. This kind of cooperation, embedded in the leading principles of dedication, mutual respect and partnership, not only creates the foundations for effective law enforcement and justice across Europe, but also strengthens EU citizens' trust in its institutions.