Eurojust holds information session for Ambassadors

20 February 2018|NEWS

Yesterday, 30 Ambassadors and high-ranking embassy personnel, representing the European Union, Norway, Switzerland and Montenegro, visited Eurojust for an information session. This recurring event offers an excellent opportunity to present Eurojust's activities to the Ambassadors and highlight some of the latest developments. After welcoming remarks from Eurojust's President, Ladislav Hamran, the Ambassadors were introduced to Eurojust's operational work through case illustrations on terrorism, cybercrime, drug trafficking and THB, followed by presentations on priorities in external relations, networks hosted by Eurojust and institutional developments. Members of the College of Eurojust, as well as the Administrative Director, Liaison Prosecutors and Heads of Networks, were involved in the presentations and the Q&A session that followed.

This information session was held at Eurojust's new premises in the International Zone of The Hague, and the Ambassadors ended their visit with a tour of the building.



Photo © Eurojust