Eurojust cooperation with Uzbekistan

07 September 2018|NEWS

Yesterday, the ambassador of Uzbekistan in Belgium, Dilyor Khakimov, along with high-ranking representatives from the Uzbek Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), met in The Hague with the President of Eurojust, Ladislav Hamran. The objective of the meeting was to discuss bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and strengthen the relations between the two parties. Uzbekistan is part of the extensive network of third States that collaborate with Eurojust at various levels in combating global organised crime.

The discussions centred on the prospect of expanding the continuous efforts to enhance cooperation, by facilitating requests for mutual legal assistance and extradition, exchanging case-related information and best practice, conducting joint seminars and training, sharing expertise with Uzbek representatives at study visits organised by Eurojust, and by appointing a Eurojust contact point in Uzbekistan's PGO.

The recent involvement of Uzbekistan in a cross-border operational case and its participation in a coordination meeting at Eurojust demonstrate Eurojust's dedication to increased cooperation with third States. Through this coordination meeting, Eurojust established a platform to exchange information and promote trust and mutual understanding. In addition, Eurojust contributed to resolving issues related to confiscation and asset sharing; approximately EUR 1,250 billion in assets stemming from 12 different States were frozen. Progress on the parallel national investigations into this bribery case, involving major crimes such as corruption, money laundering and document forgery, would not have been possible without Eurojust's coordination.