Eurojust and EU Fundamental Rights Agency want to increase further cooperation

24 June 2021|NEWS
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights meeting

Eurojust and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) intend to increase their cooperation in future, with regards to the ongoing review and strengthening of the FRA Regulation. In view of this, Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran and FRA Executive Director Michael O’Flaherty today discussed potential areas for cooperation in judicial matters such as facial recognition technology, detention-related topics, access to lawyers and victims’ rights.

During a meeting at the Eurojust premises in The Hague, recent research findings from the FRA and recommendations on criminal detention and access to legal advice were presented. FRA research on the implementation of the EU Directive on Combating Terrorism was also discussed.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights meeting

Both Agencies want to increase their cooperation on victims’ rights, with Eurojust and FRA both members of the Victims’ Rights Platform, which was inaugurated in September 2020 by the German Presidency of the EU and the European Commission. Possible common activities in this field were discussed, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cross-border judicial cooperation and the central role of Eurojust in rolling out the Digital Justice Project.