Drug trafficking ring taken down in Norway and Germany

06 March 2020|PRESS RELEASE

German and Norwegian authorities have taken down an organised criminal group (OCG), involved in the trafficking of illicit drugs between the two countries. Eurojust actively supported this coordinated operation, in which five suspects were arrested, three in Germany and two in Norway. During the investigations, 27 kilos of heroin and one kilo of cocaine were found in a car on the way to Norway. Several places have been searched and more drugs have been seized during following actions in Germany.

Investigations into the OCG started summer last year and indicated an Albanian criminal network was trafficking drugs from Germany to Norway. In close cooperation between the authorities and with support from the German and Norwegian Liaison Bureaus at Europol, a covert operation was started, which led to the arrests and showed the involvement of the OCG.

Eurojust coordinated investigations and actions between the two countries, with involvement of the German desk and Norwegian Liaison Prosecutor at the Agency. Eurojust organised a coordination meeting at its premises and assisted in overcoming legal obstacles, providing judicial advice, including on the agreements of where to prosecute.


Photos © Norwegian Police


For further information:

Ton van Lierop
Eurojust Spokesman
00 31 70 412 5518
Mobile: 00 31 6 27194773

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