Counter-terrorism: New Paris Public Prosecutor visits Eurojust

15 February 2019|NEWS

Yesterday, Mr Rémy Heitz, who was appointed Procureur de Paris in November 2018, visited Eurojust. He is responsible for the prosecution of all common law offenses committed within the jurisdiction of Paris, as well as the prosecution of all national terrorism and cybercrime cases. Mr Heitz met with Mr Ladislav Hamran, Eurojust's President, and Mr Frédéric Baab, National Member for France at Eurojust.

The parties discussed the plans for a new judicial counter-terrorism register at Eurojust. The register was endorsed by seven EU Member States at the Counter-terrorism Summit in Paris in November 2018. Also on today's agenda were cybercrime cases and operational matters.

During his meeting with Eurojust's President, Mr Heitz highlighted 'the valuable support provided by Eurojust to French justice in its fight against all types of crime, particularly terrorism and cybercrime.'


Mr Heitz was appointed Public Prosecutor of Paris in November 2018, replacing François Molins. He began his career as a magistrate, switching to central administration. He was appointed Public Prosecutor of the Court of Saint-Malo, and then Vice-Public Prosecutor in Paris in 2001. This posting was followed by several ministerial positions. Mr Heitz was then appointed Public Prosecutor of Metz, followed by a period as President of the Court of Bobigny in 2011, and First President of the Court of Appeal of Colmar in 2015. During his time in Colmar, Mr Heitz instituted a programme for the prevention of violent radicalisation. In 2017, prior to his appointment as Procureur de Paris, Mr Heitz served as Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons.


Photos © Eurojust. Mr Rémy Heitz pictured second from right.