Cooperation between France, Jordan and EuroMed Justice Programme implemented by Eurojust

15 November 2021|NEWS

Euromed Justice meetingThe EuroMed Justice Programme (EMJ) has jointly organised a cooperation activity between an EU Member State and South Partner Countries (SPCs), for the first time using the new Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) tool. The activity took place last week and concerned a cross-regional workshop to counter online hate speech, organised by the French Embassy in Amman, the French Ministry of Justice and the Jordan judicial authorities.

The workshop brought together representatives of judicial and law enforcement authorities from Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine*, Lebanon and Iraq and Europol to discuss and simulate cases and analyse best practice. High-level French experts presented concrete cases and informed participants about the methods to counter online hate speech used in France.

At the opening and closing sessions, the ambassadors of France and the EU Delegation in Jordan, the Prosecutor General of Jordan, the Director General of the Judicial Institute and the Secretary General of the Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network stressed the importance of cooperation in countering online hate speech and terrorist propaganda.

Euromed Justice meetingThe event organised by France and Jordan within the framework of EMJ proved to be a good example of how to further structure cross-border judicial cooperation between the EU and SPCs. The outcomes of the workshop will also be an impetus for the creation of a sub-group, within EMJ, on cybercrime and digital evidence.

Last month, EMJ announced further progress with the EuroMed network of contacts points to increase judicial cooperation with SPCs, EMJNet. EMJ brings together the most relevant stakeholders to develop a sustainable cross-regional mechanism of judicial cooperation in criminal matters between EU Member States and the seven SPCs: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Palestine.*

*This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.