Cargo robberies in France and Poland: six arrested

17 September 2018|PRESS RELEASE

17 September 2018

With the support of Eurojust and Europol, the French Gendarmerie and Polish Criminal Police dismantled an organised crime group (OCG) suspected of having committed at least 36 cargo thefts, with damages estimated at EUR 1.5 million. Last week, 15 properties were searched simultaneously in Gorzow, Poland, and Nancy, France, three suspects were arrested in each country, and evidence was seized.

In Europe, the number of incidents of cargo theft is increasing. OCGs, originating mainly from eastern Europe, frequently target high-value products. This OCG targeted trucks at unsecured parking sites in eastern France, although the OCG's activities are suspected to span across several other Member States.

Investigations began in March 2017. International police and judicial cooperation helped in the apprehension of the six suspects. A number of parallel investigations have been opened. Europol provided analytical support before and during the action day. Eurojust ensured a coordinating role on a judiciary level. At the request of the Interregional Specialized Jurisdiction of Nancy, Eurojust organised two coordination meetings with judicial and law enforcement authorities from France, Poland, Germany and Denmark that highlighted the cross-border activities of the targeted OCG.

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