Attorney General of Colombia visits Eurojust to step up cooperation against drug and wildlife trafficking

19 October 2023|NEWS
Ms Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė and Mr Francisco Barbosa

The Attorney General of Colombia, Mr Francisco Barbosa, visited Eurojust today to discuss stepping up cross-border judicial cooperation with EU Member States through the Agency. A particular focus was on enhancing cooperation to combat the sharp increase in illicit drug and wildlife trafficking from Colombia to the European Union. Fighting these types of organised crimes are priorities for both the EU and the Colombian authorities.

Eurojust Vice-President Ms Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė stated: Together with drug trafficking, the trade in protected animals is a lucrative business for organised crime groups. With large-scale criminal organisations operating increasingly on a global scale, close cooperation with our partners around the world is of the highest importance. For this reason, we are very happy Mr Barbosa Delgado visited us today to discuss how we can improve our already excellent cooperation.

Mr Barbosa, who currently holds the Presidency of the Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors (AIAMP), pointed out: Both the Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors and the Office of the Attorney General in Colombia have extensive experience in prosecuting transnational organised crime and, at the same time, disrupting criminal profits. For this reason, we are happy to share our results with Eurojust and exchange best practices that highlight the importance of joint efforts. This will help us to achieve our common goal: to address more effectively the global challenge of criminal networks that expand their reach all around the world.

Eurojust handled over 1 100 major drug-trafficking cases last year, which often involved cocaine being illegally transported to the EU by sea from Colombian ports. Enhancing judicial cooperation in this area will help to combat major drug smuggling, which is one of the three most important types of crime that the Agency deals with. In 2021, 303 tonnes of cocaine were seized in the EU, with the trend pointing to a further rise in the illicit drug trade.

The trade in protected species is estimated to be the fourth most lucrative type of crime after the trafficking drugs, arms and human beings. In Colombia alone, around 18 000 birds, animals and reptiles have been seized so far this year, which were destined for illegal trade in the EU and other parts of the world. Based on figures from the Colombian National Police, this crime type is also on the rise, with a total of 17 000 rare species seized in 2022 before they could be illegally exported.

Both the EU and Colombia will work closely to strengthen existing cooperation in order to combat these rising crime trends. Eurojust and Colombia already cooperate through the Contact Point established with the judicial authorities in Bogota as a result of the EU-funded EL PAcCTO project.

Colombia is also one of the driving partners in AIAMP. In view of this, both Vice-President Šniutytė-Daugėlienė and Attorney General Barbosa agreed on the need to promote cooperation between judicial authorities in Ibero-American countries and the EU, also with respect to a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two parties in July 2022.

Furthermore, Colombia is one of the 13 countries outside the EU with which the European Commission is negotiating an international agreement on cooperation with Eurojust. The modes of cooperation conceived in the agreement were one of the points discussed during the meeting with the Attorney General. Mr Barbosa was also informed of Eurojust’s cooperation instruments and how the Agency generally cooperates outside the European Union.