
8.1 Governance: The work of the College and the Executive Board

The College of Eurojust and the Executive Board continued to meet regularly after the onset of remote working arrangements to open new cases, adopt strategic tools and reports to support judicial cooperation and exercise their responsibilities in relation to budget, business planning and reporting.

Adapting governance to exceptional circumstances

Adapting governance to exceptional circumstances

To safeguard effective governance and efficient decision-making at Eurojust, including in exceptional circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, an amendment to the Rules of Procedure of Eurojust was made, which entered into force on 24 July 2020. This allows the Agency, in exceptional circumstances, to take decisions in videoconference meetings.

Elections of the President and Vice-President

Elections of the President and Vice-President

In October 2020, Mr Ladislav Hamran, National Member for the Slovak Republic, was re-elected as President of Eurojust for a new four-year term. The digitalisation of justice in the European Union was one of the focal points of Mr Hamran’s first term as President and will continue to be a key focus at Eurojust.

Another key priority for Mr Hamran will be to extend Eurojust’s global scope. Other priorities include continuing the fight against terrorism and strengthening Eurojust’s partnerships with other EU agencies in the field of Justice and Home Affairs.

On 18 December 2020, Mr Boštjan Škrlec, National Member for Slovenia, started his term as one of Eurojust’s two Vice-Presidents. Mr Škrlec has been representing the Slovenian judiciary at Eurojust since 2017. Mr Škrlec will serve with Mr Klaus Meyer-Cabri, National Member for Germany, who was re-elected in this role in 2019. He succeeded Mr Filippo Spiezia, National Member for Italy, who was warmly thanked for his excellent service and many contributions to Eurojust in this role.

New National Members

New National Members

In November 2020, the College also welcomed two new National Members:
