
5.2. EuroMed Justice Programme

To step up the fight against cross-border crime and further enable judicial cooperation between the European Union and its South Partner Countries (SPCs), Eurojust is hosting the new phase of the EuroMed Justice Programme. By linking competent authorities in the Member States and partner countries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine* and Tunisia, the programme will contribute to the fostering of judicial cross-border strategic and operational collaboration in criminal matters and improve the capacity of SPCs to engage in cooperation more efficiently. Eurojust manages the new phase of this cross-regional European Commission-funded programme via a dedicated team and assists in working towards a long-term regional cooperation mechanism.

‘I welcome this new EuroMed Programme and the next phase of cooperation with our South Partner Countries. It is essential that we continue our good cooperation and see how we can step up the fight against cross-border crime in the interest of all States concerned. Eurojust is best placed to serve as the link between the partner countries and the EU Member States in improving cooperation and information exchange.’

Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice

The EUR 5 million programme, which started in May 2020, was set up to help protect the citizens of EU neighbouring countries against criminal activities, while respecting the rule of law and fundamental human rights. More specifically, the programme aims to strengthen strategic cooperation in criminal matters in three major areas: (1) between national judicial authorities in SPCs; (2) between the authorities of SPCs and EU Member States; and (3) in instances of EU judicial cooperation.

The EuroMed Justice Programme is an important turning point in Eurojust’s history, as it is the first time the Agency has hosted and implemented a programme outside the EU’s borders.



* This designation is not to be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
