
13.1. Latest developments


Eurojust Report on Trafficking in Human Beings

Best practice and issues in judicial cooperation

Published: February 2021

Read the report

The Eurojust Report on Trafficking in Human Beings published in February 2021 analyses 91 THB cases and the results of 59 JITs. The report concludes that to better assist victims of THB, more cross-border and timely judicial cooperation is necessary.

Earlier involvement of Eurojust and a higher number of cases referred to the Agency will help to better coordinate investigations and get a fuller picture of internationally operating criminal networks, which exploit often young and vulnerable victims. The report offers best practices for Member States and highlights the practical assistance it has and will continue to provide in, for example, resolving conflicts of jurisdiction and aiding the execution of EIOs.

Eurojust is committed to implementing the new EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings (2021-2025), adopted in April 2021. During its Annual Meeting on Migrant Smuggling, the Agency had the opportunity to discuss its operational support in delivering this strategy, ranging from protecting and empowering victims to bringing traffickers to justice. Part of the meeting was devoted to THB and attended by the new EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator. The importance of Eurojust’s role and strategy in further cooperating with third countries in this area was also underlined.


Supporting judicial authorities in the fight against trafficking in human beings

Published: October 2021

Read the factsheet

In a joint report published on 18 October 2021 on the occasion of the 15th EU Anti-Trafficking Day, the JHAAN for the first time presented a full overview of Agencies’ actions to detect and protect victims of human trafficking. The report aims to make Member States more aware of the Agencies’ potential in helping the early identification and protection of victims and encourages them to reach out to the Agencies at all stages of prevention, investigations, operations and legal proceedings.

With the same objective, a factsheet was also published on 18 October 2021 highlighting how Eurojust can support judicial authorities in the fight against THB.

The 15th EU Anti-Trafficking Day was also marked by Eurojust President, Ladislav Hamran, joining the EU Commissioner, Ylva Johansson, and EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator, Diane Schmitt, for a Twitter Spaces event, dedicated to joining efforts to combat child trafficking. The discussion encouraged stakeholders to strengthen cooperation between the relevant authorities and avoid any delays that can negatively affect the well-being of child victims.

  There are many obstacles national authorities may face while dealing with cross-border THB cases. Eurojust helps prosecutors overcome these obstacles by providing easy access to the full spectrum of judicial cooperation tools and expertise. The increasing demand for this support proves the well-recognised role of Eurojust: its tailor-made solutions have become a crucial factor in countless successful investigations.

Ladislav Hamran , Eurojust President