
15.1. Cross-matching data in the Counter-Terrorism Register to identify connected investigations

Every time a case is opened at Eurojust, a systematic cross-matching of data takes place against already existing cases included in the Case Management System. This functionality and a careful follow-up make it possible to connect related cases. Eurojust has established the European Judicial Counter-Terrorism Register (CTR) to collect information on ongoing and concluded judicial counter-terrorism proceedings from EU Member States, and to be able to perform the same cross-matching function, so that potential connections can also be detected for terrorism cases.

As a result of the CTR’s establishment in 2019, the transmission of information to Eurojust on judicial counter-terrorism proceedings has increased. Eurojust now receives up-to-date and consistent information with an identical scope, which allowed Eurojust to identify links between proceedings in different EU Member States in 2021.

Timely handling of CTR information, a consistent approach towards the verification of the identified potential links and their efficient follow-up remain key to the effective functioning of the CTR. The management of CTR information and the follow-up of potential links is carried out in full respect of the confidentiality and ownership of data in conformity with the Eurojust Regulation.

Eurojust cases have been opened on the basis of CTR information both after the identification of links between national proceedings and at the request of national authorities. In the latter scenario, Eurojust was requested, for example, to facilitate MLA between EU Member States and with third countries in the framework of investigations into alleged participation in a terrorist organisation, financing of terrorism and related other offences, such as forgery of documents and fraud.

Infographic depicting the three elements of the Counter-Terrorism register: 1. Analysis and lessons learned to improvie the judicial response to terrorism, 2. Sharing of information among EU member states on terrorism investigations, prosecutions and convictions and 3. Identification of links between investigations and coordination needs