
5.3. Asset recovery

Depriving criminals of the proceeds of crimes is an essential component in disrupting organised crime. Moreover, confiscation acts as a deterrent by strengthening the notion that ‘crime does not pay’. In 2021, Eurojust assisted in the recovery, freezing and confiscation of close to EUR 2.9 billion worth of criminal assets.

The Regulation on the Mutual Recognition of Freezing and Confiscation Orders became applicable on 19 December 2020, introducing a new legal framework in the European Union. In 2021, Eurojust commenced a project on the application of this instrument. The aim of the project is to identify legal and practical issues in Eurojust casework, the support provided by Eurojust and best practices. In 2021, Eurojust collected some first experiences from the National Desks, notably in relation to issues concerning victims’ rights.

Eurojust also closely followed and contributed to the consultations and discussions held in the context of the revision of the Directive 2014/42/EU on the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union, and the Council Decision 2007/845 on Asset Recovery Offices.
