Crime Types: Key documents

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The strategic meeting on trafficking in human beings (THB) was organised by Eurojust in The Hague on 16 and 17 April 2015 as part of Eurojust’s strategic project on THB. Over the course of the two days, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement authorities and THB experts analysed the challenges posed by...
BlackShades was an organisation developing and selling malicious software (malware) that enabled buyers to infect computers and remotely take over and control the operations of the infected computers, and perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyber-attacks, among other things. An FBI...
Cooperation among the Member States and with non-European countries has been a key factor in the decrease in the number of the pirate attacks in the important shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden during the past four years. Countries have worked together, both to ensure free passage through the...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...
PUBLICATION DATE:16 January 2015
This Issue in focus provided brief background information for the discussions during Workshop No. 3 “Judicial cooperation with third States” in the context of the strategic meeting on drug trafficking held by Eurojust on 29 and 30 September 2014. Following a short explanation of the reasons for the...
PUBLICATION DATE:16 January 2015
This Issue in focus provided brief background information for the discussions during Workshop No. 2 “Judicial cooperation in cases involving (pre)precursors and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)” in the context of the strategic meeting on drug trafficking held by Eurojust on 29 and 30 September 2014...
PUBLICATION DATE:16 January 2015
This Issue in focus provided brief background information for the discussions during Workshop No. 1 “Cross-border controlled deliveries from a judicial perspective” in the context of the strategic meeting on drug trafficking held by Eurojust on 29 and 30 September 2014. Following a short explanation...
PUBLICATION DATE:16 January 2015
The purpose of this Implementation Report of the Action Plan on Drug Trafficking is to assess the follow-up of the recommendations listed in the Action Plan as a result of the strategic project Enhancing the work of Eurojust in drug trafficking cases (Eurojust: 2012, page 61).1 The Report also...
PUBLICATION DATE:21 November 2014
Environmental crime is a serious crime, often committed by organised crime groups, that affects society as a whole, as its impact is felt not only in the health of humans and animals but also in the quality of air, soil and water. The EU Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment 2013 (SOCTA)...