
5.5. Practical guidance for judicial practitioners on cooperation with the United Kingdom

Judicial cooperation in criminal matters between the European Union and the United Kingdom from 1 January 2021

Published: February 2021

Read the note

Eurojust published a note for judicial practitioners on future cooperation with the United Kingdom in January 2021, intended to provide practitioners with up-to-date and readily usable information on judicial cooperation with the United Kingdom, and to contribute to ensuring business continuity despite a changing legal landscape.

The main aim of the note is to provide a simple, brief and immediate response to the questions and needs of competent authorities in these first stages. The main themes treated are surrender, mutual legal assistance, exchange of criminal record information, freezing and confiscation, and transfer of sentenced persons.

To increase the understanding on the application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Eurojust and EJN also provided the European Commission with questions of a practical nature to streamline the application of the TCA in all Member States.
