
Publication date (field_publication_date)
PUBLICATION DATE:31 January 2017
The nature of Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) cases present inherent difficulties for investigations and prosecutions. Most of these obstacles were identified in the mid-term report on the implementation of the Eurojust Action Plan against THB and are confirmed by this report. Indeed, THB...
PUBLICATION DATE:18 January 2017
In this issue, you will find information on the key concepts concerning conflicts of jurisdiction and ne bis in idem, and the role of the European Union, and specifically Eurojust, in resolving the obstacles encountered. Interviews with prosecutors experienced in international judicial cooperation...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 January 2017
This Report was drafted in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Council Decision 2008/976/JHA of 16 December 2008 (“the EJN Decision”), which require the European Judicial Network to assess its activities and management every second year. It is the fourth report since the entry into force...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 January 2017
This legal analysis provides an overview of relevant French jurisprudence on illegal immigrant smuggling. The analysis highlights the main modus operandi used by criminals, the relevant applicable legislation and the main challenges related to its application. This product is based on the...
PUBLICATION DATE:13 December 2016
To prevent and support the settling of conflicts of jurisdiction that could result in an infringement of the principle of ne bis in idem , and to ensure that the most effective practices with regard to criminal proceedings are in place in the European Union (EU), in 2003 Eurojust published the...
PUBLICATION DATE:06 December 2016
Eurojust presents its first Programming Document for the period 2017 to 2019 to the budgetary authorities. For the first time the Institutions and Agencies of the EU use this new format and Eurojust welcomes the opportunity to present all relevant aspects to its resource needs for the coming years...
PUBLICATION DATE:09 November 2016
In this issue of the Cybercrime Judicial Monitor (CJM), three main sections are elaborated. In the first section on legislation an overview is given on the legislative developments which took place in 2016 in the area of cybercrime, cyber-related matters and electronic evidence. The judicial...
PUBLICATION DATE:28 October 2016
The tactical meeting on judicial cooperation in tax crime matters was organised by Eurojust and held at its premises in The Hague on 28 October 2016. The participants included practitioners from the Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the USA, as well as representatives from Europol and the JITs...
PUBLICATION DATE:24 October 2016
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...