Romania and Netherlands set up joint investigation team into theft of precious historic art from Dutch museum

10 February 2025|PRESS RELEASE
Flags of RO NL, and logo of Eurojust

Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Romania and the Netherlands have set up a dedicated joint investigation team (JIT) into the theft of four pieces of precious historic Romanian art from the Dutch Drents Museum, last month. The JIT has been set up with active support from Eurojust, which will provide operational, logistic and legal assistance to the investigators on the case.

historic art helmet

Four pieces of major Romanian cultural heritage, including the historic golden crown of Coţofeneşti, were stolen from the museum in Assen in the north of the Netherlands in the early hours of Saturday 25 January. The perpetrators used massive force and gained access by means of an explosion, in order to steal the crown and three ancient golden bracelets, which were all exhibited on loan from the Romanian National Museum of History. In the meantime, three suspects have been arrested in the Netherlands and are currently still being held in custody.

At the request of the Romanian authorities, within the same week after the museum heist, Eurojust organised a coordination meeting at its premises to discuss the judicial follow up of the cultural theft and enable cooperation between the investigators involved. In order to cooperate further and more closely, a special dedicated JIT has now been set up between Romania and the Netherlands.

A JIT not only facilitates closer cooperation in specific cases, but also arranges for a more rapid and seamless exchange of information between the authorities involved. In view of the ongoing investigations, Eurojust will not be able to provide further information at this stage.