2019 Eurojust Report on Counter-Terrorism

09 December 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
2019 Eurojust Report on Counter-Terrorism

With the evolution of the security threat and the changing complexity of terrorist attacks and terrorist activities targeting EU Member States, it has become evident that an efficient judicial response to terrorism often reaches beyond a single jurisdiction. To address challenges efficiently, competent national authorities need to cooperate and coordinate among themselves and with relevant EU and international bodies, and share information in a timely and comprehensive manner.

The 2019 Eurojust Report on Counter-Terrorism presents Eurojust’s activities in the area of counter-terrorism (CT) in 2019, based on Eurojust’s mandate and aiming to strengthen the efficient judicial response to terrorism. It provides insights into the growing number of complex and diverse CT investigations and prosecutions coordinated by Eurojust, identifies challenges and best practices and refers to examples of the assistance that Eurojust provided to national authorities.

CT investigations and prosecutions brought to Eurojust for assistance concerned terrorist attacks and other types of terrorist activities committed by terrorist networks, terrorist cells or single individuals. Specific challenges were identified in relation to the execution of requests based on mutual recognition instruments, mutual legal assistance (MLA) requests and the establishment of the (best-placed) jurisdiction to prosecute.

Eurojust’s unique mandate and expertise have allowed it to assist national authorities efficiently at all stages of judicial proceedings and in relation to all types of terrorism. With the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2018/1727 on the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) on 12 December 2019, Eurojust’s capacity to assist with and coordinate investigations and prosecutions has been further reinforced.

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