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14 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Organised by the European Commission, together with Eurojust, the first informal meeting of the focus group of specialised prosecutors against trafficking in human beings brought together prosecutors and judges from the European Union Member States. The objective of the group is to build expertise...
14 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
With support from Eurojust, authorities in Romania and the United Kingdom have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) involved in the trafficking of Romanian women for sexual exploitation in the United Kingdom. During two action days in Romania and the United Kingdom, a total of...
14 June 2022|NEWS
The 12th Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Cybercrime Network (EJCN), which takes place today and tomorrow, will focus on the new challenges posed by cryptocurrencies to law enforcement and judicial authorities. Hosted by Eurojust in a hybrid format (online and at the Agency’s premises), the...
10 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy and Albania have dismantled a criminal network suspected of committing fraud against the Italian national health system, as well as corruption and drug trafficking. During an action day, nine suspects were arrested. More than...
08 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
A 22-year-old suspected of committing several terrorist and extremist crimes has been arrested in Slovakia. In an action supported by Eurojust, Europol and the United States, Slovak and Czech authorities searched two locations and seized a 3D printer and printed metal parts of weapons, computers and...
08 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Authorities in the Czech Republic and Romania have halted a fraud scheme allegedly involving the sale of used cars, depriving close to 200 victims of approximately EUR 1.6 million. During an action day, 17 places were searched and 4 suspects were arrested in both countries. Eurojust supported the...
02 June 2022|NEWS
At a dedicated conference, criminal justice practitioners and experts from the South Partner Countries (SPCs) and the European Union Member States discussed how to help judicial and law enforcement authorities to apply data protection standards when gathering cross-border electronic evidence in...
The European Commissioners for Justice and Home Affairs, Mr Didier Reynders and Ms Ylva Johansson, visited the Agency today to discuss the next steps in view of the amendment of the Eurojust Regulation. The European Parliament adopted the amendment last week, which would enable Eurojust to gather...
English original Organy sądowe Estonii, Łotwy i Słowacji staną się członkami wspólnego zespołu dochodzeniowo-śledczego (JIT) ds. domniemanych najpoważniejszych zbrodni wagi międzynarodowej, utworzonego przy wsparciu Eurojustu. Podczas spotkania koordynacyjnego, którego gospodarzem wczoraj i dzisiaj...
Investigations and prosecutions of the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (known collectively as core international crimes) have steadily risen within the European Union since 2016. A total of 1 547 new cases were opened in 2021, compared with 1 073 in 2016, which represents a...