Casework report

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09 December 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
With the evolution of the security threat and the changing complexity of terrorist attacks and terrorist activities targeting EU Member States, it has become evident that an efficient judicial response to terrorism often reaches beyond a single jurisdiction. To address challenges efficiently...
25 November 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
The aim of this report, which is complementary to previously published documents by Eurojust (and the European Judicial Network (EJN)), is to inform both practitioners and policymakers of the main difficulties encountered in the practical application of the European Investigation Order (EIO) on the...
19 November 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
There are several factors that make tackling cybercrime unique and challenging. Cybercrime by its nature is borderless and swiftly evolving, sometimes faster than national authorities can react. Adding an additional layer of complexity is the horizontal nature of cybercrime: almost any type of crime...
12 November 2020|LAST UPDATE:31 January 2024|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
Sometimes people gain unlawful access to the European Union (EU) through a marriage of convenience. Increasingly, such sham marriages are part of sophisticated fraud schemes arranged by Organised Crime Groups (OCGs). The OCGs engage in migrant smuggling and trafficking of human beings on an...
ISIS, which has been classified as a terrorist organisation, perpetrated horrific acts of violence in armed conflicts in Northern Iraq and Syria. The issue of investigating and prosecuting its members and foreign terrorist fighters returning to their countries of origin led most EU Member States to...