
Data annex

Tables in the Data annex:

Overview of cases in 2021 involving Member State National Desks

Member State National Desk Cases initiated by the National Desk Participation in cases initiated by other Desks Participation in joint activities/meetings
New in 2021 Number of countries involved Ongoing from previous years New in 2021 Ongoing from previous years Coordination meetings Joint investigation teams
2 3 or more
Belgium 88 70 18 120 299 431 84 27
Bulgaria 146 143 3 127 224 229 22 7
Czech Republic 118 93 25 194 121 200 31 35
Germany 748 681 67 469 652 884 128 55
Estonia 48 34 14 42 63 86 13 9
Ireland 73 70 3 90 109 162 10 5
Greece 254 251 3 566 120 191 21 4
Spain 264 236 28 165 554 757 72 8
France 258 168 90 550 767 674 129 51
Croatia 50 46 4 21 94 124 2 -
Italy 516 423 93 534 391 573 105 53
Cyprus 62 61 1 45 74 203 3 1
Latvia 52 41 11 74 62 131 25 9
Lithuania 88 71 17 64 145 135 38 10
Luxembourg 26 24 2 50 84 159 2 -
Hungary 267 232 35 229 189 222 18 16
Malta 16 14 2 39 87 147 5 1
Netherlands 103 89 14 267 401 510 90 21
Austria 157 141 16 170 198 256 17 10
Poland 193 176 17 274 338 454 41 23
Portugal 139 114 25 92 120 177 9 1
Romania 230 197 33 178 290 292 64 46
Slovenia 203 168 35 133 72 100 9 6
Slovakia 110 105 5 123 108 194 11 20
Finland 80 70 10 58 54 95 15 11
Sweden 198 162 36 263 106 164 53 26
Denmark 28 28 - 50 70 141 7 8
Total 4515 3908 607 4987 * * * *

* These columns cannot be summed up, since more than one National Desk can be requested to participate in a single case, and coordination meetings and JITs are often co-organised.

Overview of cases in 2021 involving Liaison Prosecutors

Liaison Prosecutor Cases initiated by the Liaison Prosecutor Participation in cases initiated by other Desks Participation in joint activities/meetings
New in 2021 Number of countries involved Ongoing from previous years New in 2021 Ongoing from previous years Coordination meetings Joint investigation teams
2 3 or more
Albania 21 21 - - 30 58 19 10
Georgia 2 1 1 2 21 28 7 1
Montenegro 3 3 - 12 14 24 2 -
North Macedonia 8 7 1 11 24 34 3 -
Norway 60 54 6 101 42 78 21 12
Serbia 20 17 3 4 61 66 10 3
Switzerland 80 70 10 134 139 321 29 17
Ukraine 23 21 2 41 58 104 39 14
United Kingdom 71 63 8 - 324 724 64 19
United States 2 2 - 3 45 115 34 0
Total 290 259 31 308 * * * *

* These columns cannot be summed up, since more than one National Desk can be requested to participate in a single case, and coordination meetings and JITs are often co-organised.

Casework involving EIOs and EAWs in 2021

Judicial tools New cases in 2021 Ongoing from previous years Total
European Investigation Order (EIO) 2309 1953 4262
European Arrest Warrant (EAW) 480 713 1193

Casework, meetings and joint activities in the priority crime areas, 2018-2021

Crime types Cases* Coordination meetings Joint investigation teams** Coordination centres / action days
2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021
Swindling and fraud 1924 2263 2654 3133 87 112 91 111 51 66 72 73 7 12 8 11
Money laudering 1042 1266 1471 1668 94 138 101 115 50 75 71 61 6 6 7 5
Drug trafficking 896 1003 1169 1602 78 80 87 107 42 51 50 48 - 2 4 1
Mobile organised crime groups 542 599 723 800 26 20 19 19 15 17 14 14 1 2 1 1
Cybercrime 218 247 334 398 28 34 45 66 10 17 21 16 2 3 1 5
Trafficking in human beings 343 399 397 352 43 54 56 46 56 61 50 45 - 4 2 3
Corruption 222 251 287 326 19 14 8 13 6 5 7 11 - - - -
Migrant smuggling 157 187 217 292 17 24 21 25 12 12 12 11 3 2 2 -
Crimes against the financial interests of the EU (PIF crimes) 77 161 217 252 3 12 12 16 5 6 6 7 - 2 2 3
Terrorism 190 222 217 221 20 24 12 9 12 8 7 9 - - - -
Environmental crime 38 41 51 62 6 8 6 11 4 6 6 6 - 1 - 1
Intellectual property crime 19 23 27 31 1 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - 1 2 -
Core international crimes - - 12 16 - - 2 6 - - - 1 - - - -

* Sum of new cases and ongoing cases from previous years: The data contained in this table were extracted from Eurojust's Case Management System in January 2022. Due to the ongoing nature of cases, possible discrepancies with previously reported numbers may exist, and statistics may be updated in the future.

** Sum of newly established JITs and ongoing JITs from previous years

Cases by crime type in 2021

Crime type New Ongoing1 Total Projection2
Swindling and fraud 1453 1680 3133 Red arrow pointing upwards
Money laundering 648 1020 1668 Red arrow pointing upwards
Drug trafficking 869 733 1602 Red arrow pointing upwards
Mobile organise crime groups (MOCG)3 390 410 800 Red arrow pointing upwards
Cybercrime 188 210 398 Red arrow pointing upwards
Trafficking in human beings 140 212 352 Yellow arrow pointing right
Corruption 112 214 326 Red arrow pointing upwards
Migrant smuggling 170 122 392 Yellow arrow pointing right
PIF crimes4 124 128 252 Red arrow pointing upwards
Terrorism 80 141 221 Green arrow pointing downward
Environmental crime 21 41 62 Yellow arrow pointing right
Intellectual property crime 14 17 31 Yellow arrow pointing right
Core international crimes 7 9 16 Red arrow pointing upwards
Red arrow pointing upwardUpward trend
Yellow arrow pointing rightNo major shift expected
Green arrow pointing downwardDownward trend

1 As of January 2020. Due to the ongoing nature of the cases, the figures in this column can change after the reporting period.

2 The projection for 2021-2023 of the need for judicial cooperation in these crime areas is based on casework trends over the previous 5 years.

3 Itinerant criminal networks operating across the European Union, usually specialised in crime areas such as burglary, robbery of armoured vehicles, and metal theft.

4 Crimes against the financial interests of the European Union for which Eurojust retains competence.
