Crime Types: Key documents

Publication date (field_publication_date)
PUBLICATION DATE:31 January 2020
This report aims to provide an update based on developments that occurred after the first report, or developments which are relevant but were not included in the first report for other reasons. The report contains an update on relevant statements or propositions made with respect to how law...
PUBLICATION DATE:02 December 2019
Eurojust presents this fifth issue of the Cybercrime Judicial Monitor (CJM). The CJM is published once per year and distributed to judicial and law enforcement authorities active in the field of combatting cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime. It is produced on the basis of information provided by...
PUBLICATION DATE:07 November 2019
1. The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Network of Contact Points for the investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (hereinafter referred as the ‘Network’) reiterated the importance of the Network as a forum for practitioners to...
PUBLICATION DATE:18 October 2019
1. The Consultative Forum acknowledges the increasing and global threat represented by cybercrime and the specific challenges encountered in cybercrime investigations as well as their impact on cross-border investigations and prosecutions. These challenges are illustrated by new technology-based...
PUBLICATION DATE:14 October 2019
‘Operation Pollino’: Large-scale coordinated action by judicial and law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
PUBLICATION DATE:01 October 2019
PUBLICATION DATE:18 September 2019
Crackdown on a criminal network illegally selling audiovisual material, by Italian, Bulgarian, German, Greek, French and Dutch authorities with the support of Eurojust. Parallel actions carried out by judicial and law enforcement authorities throughout Europe to shut down hundreds of illegal servers...
PUBLICATION DATE:05 September 2019
Terrorism constitutes a major threat to security in the European Union. Horrific terrorist attacks since 2015 have killed and injured hundreds of innocent people and have left many more in shock and grief. Prosecutors and investigative judges play a key role in tackling terrorism. They are the...
Eurojust coordinates the transmission and execution of numerous Mutual Legal Assistance requests. 17 coordination meetings are organised between January 2016 and February 2019.
On 23 May 2019, the fourth EU Day Against Impunity took place at the premises of Eurojust. The event was organised by the Romanian Presidency in cooperation with the European Commission, the Network for investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and Eurojust...