Report on Eurojust's casework in the field of the European Arrest Warrant (2014-2016)

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This Report concerns Eurojust’s casework in the field of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) in the period 2014-2016.

In this period, Eurojust continued to play a key role in improving the application of the EAW. The number of EAW cases registered at Eurojust has steadily increased, from 217 cases in 2013 266 cases in 2014, 292 cases in 2015 and 315 cases in 2016. In addition to the day-to-day operational work, Eurojust’s Judicial Cooperation Instrument Team holds regular meetings during which recent EAW cases are discussed in view of identifying difficulties and possible solutions.

This Report is not exhaustive. It focuses on the main issues identifiedin Eurojust’s EAW casework, including legal and practical obstacles in surrender procedures, and explains how Eurojust tried, whereever possible, to overcome them. The following topics are addressed: requests for information (infra II); transmission of EAWs (infra III); competing EAWs (infra IV); time limits (infra V); postponement of surrender and problems related to the actual surrender (infra VI); and prosecution for other offences (infra VII). While the majority of cases in which Eurojust intervened to facilitate the execution of EAWs were bilateral cases, Eurojust also provided important assistance in more complex multilateral cases (infra VIII). Eurojust also dealt with some cases in which national authorities were applying Aranyosi and Căldăraru and Petruhhin case law (infra II. 1.4 and IX). Finally, Eurojust also opened four topics in relation to the EAW (infra X). The conclusion summarises the main findings of this Report (infra XI).




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