Core international crimes

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PUBLICATION DATE:19 October 2023
This paper provides a comparative overview of the way in which EU Member States, Genocide Network Observer States and Ukraine have implemented the crime of aggression in their domestic laws. How is the crime of aggression defined in national criminal codes? Have the majority of states adopted the...
PUBLICATION DATE:11 October 2023
This report outlines the most prominent cases in which the European Court of Human Rights evalu­ated the application of Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Article 7 provides that ‘no one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which...
03 July 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Det er markeringen af et historisk øjeblik, når Det Internationale Center for Retsforfølgelse af Aggressionsforbrydelser mod Ukraine (ICPA) i dag officielt indleder sine aktiviteter hos Eurojust. ICPA vil støtte forberedelsen af sager om aggressionsforbrydelser ved at sikre afgørende beviser og...
PUBLICATION DATE:23 February 2023|Last update: 11 December 2023
CICED is a unique, tailor made judicial database set up by Eurojust in 2023 to preserve, store and analyse evidence of core international crimes. CICED’s centralised approach will support national and international investigations by shedding light not only on individual offences, but also unveiling...
Using observations collected by the Genocide Network Secretariat from Genocide Network Member and Observer States, this report engages in a stocktaking exercise. Looking back at recommendations listed in the 2014 Strategy of the Genocide Network to combat impunity for genocide, crimes against...
PUBLICATION DATE:30 November 2021
Sanctions, embargo, or restrictive measures, are political trade restrictions imposed by the United Nations or the European Union. They target governments, organised military or paramilitary groups, commercial entities and individuals whose behaviour contravenes international law and present...
ISIS, which has been classified as a terrorist organisation, perpetrated horrific acts of violence in armed conflicts in Northern Iraq and Syria. The issue of investigating and prosecuting its members and foreign terrorist fighters returning to their countries of origin led most EU Member States to...
PUBLICATION DATE:17 September 2015