Legislation analysis

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The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a new EU legislative act protecting the digital space against the spread of illegal content and at the same time ensure the protection of users’ fundamental rights by creating a safe and trusted online environment. The DSA, which came into force in February 2024 is...
Using observations collected by the Genocide Network Secretariat from Genocide Network Member and Observer States, this report engages in a stocktaking exercise. Looking back at recommendations listed in the 2014 Strategy of the Genocide Network to combat impunity for genocide, crimes against...
30 November 2021|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
Sanctions, embargo, or restrictive measures, are political trade restrictions imposed by the United Nations or the European Union. They target governments, organised military or paramilitary groups, commercial entities and individuals whose behaviour contravenes international law and present...
08 December 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
Background and purpose The new Regulation on the Mutual Recognition of Freezing and Confiscation Orders (hereinafter the 'Regulation') shall apply as of 19 December 2020. The Regulation introduces a completely new legal framework in the EU governing the area of judicial cooperation in the field of...
21 September 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
The 2020 Eurojust Memorandum on Battlefield Evidence reports on the present possibilities and experiences of using battlefield evidence in criminal proceedings in the EU Member States and non-EU countries. This report was produced following a recommendation from the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator...